Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dual Boot Backtrack with Windows

This method of installation is the simplest available. The assumption is that the you have a Windows installation taking up all the space on your drive, and you would like to resize and repartition your drive to allow a BackTrack install alongside your Windows. BACK UP YOUR WINDOWS INSTALLATION FIRST.
  1. Boot BackTrack on the machine to be installed. Once booted, type in “startx” to get to the KDE graphical interface.
  2. Double click the “” script on the desktop, or run the command “ubiquity” in console
  3. Select your geographical location and click “forward”. Same for the Keyboard layout.
  4. The next screen allows you to configure the partitioning layout. The assumption is that we are resizing the Windows 7 partition and installing BackTrack on the newly made space.
  5. Accept the installation summary and client “Install”. Allow the installation to run and complete. Restart when done.
  6. Grub should allow you to boot both into BackTrack and Windows.
  7. Log into BackTrack with the default username and password root / toor. Change root password.
  8. Fix the framebuffer splash by typing “fix-splash” ( or “fix-splash800″ if you wish a 800×600 framebuffer), reboot.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Configure Nessus on Backtrack

How to configure nessus on backtrack 5

1) Get a free activation key form Tenable/Nessus website

2) Enter the key using nessus-fetch command
/opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch –register xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
3) Create a user and password
4) Start the service
/etc/init.d/nessusd start
5) Start playing

Friday, June 3, 2011

FCrackZIP Cracking Password Protected ZIP Files on Backtrack

This tutorial for Ubuntu or Backtrack users to crack password-protected zip files with wordlists. 

1. Install FCrackZIP packages.
   -  apt-get install fcrackzip
2. Crack it with Dictionary or Brute Force Attack.
   - Brute Force Attack.

  •      fcrackzip -v zipfiles.
   - Dictionary Attack.
  •      fcrackzip -v -D -p /pentest/passwords/wordlists/wordlists zipfiles.
      *** Wordlist is the file that contain a lists of words (one word per line)
      *** My wordlist is /pentest/passwords/wordlists/wordlists
3. That's you crack the file.


Backtrack 5 on Mobile

Backtrack 5 has Released  arm version for smart phones.
The Backtrack Developing Team have introduced us their new updated creation that is Backtrack-5.It is a Penetration Focused Linux Distribution.

Backtrack offers more than 250 tools for our penetration testing need. The tools include Sniffers , Fuzzers , Forensic tools , Web App Testing Frameworks and my favorite Metasploit 

BackTrack 5 On Motorola

For the first time, an ARM image is now provided. So far, the developers have tested it on a Motorola Atrix 4G smartphone and a Motorola Xoom tablet. According to a tweet from the developers they demonstrated the ARM version's functionality by using a Xoom to run Metasploit to gain
access to a Windows XP system.
You can find the guide to run backtrack in the Backtrack Forums
BackTrack 5 on Xperia
Backtrack 5 also runs on Samsung Xperia X10 .To run this you only need to know how and you will know this go  here 
and the to run on androids   

BackTrack 5 On Nokia N900

How to do this . Must be wondering how to know this also follow this link

BackTrack 5 on Droid Incredible

 Thanks to Security Tube and ac1d-ra1n